Golden Heartbreak

So the Golden Heart entry deadline was December 2. All manuscripts had to be received by RWA on this date or else! Or else what? Disqualification. Well, guess what–my two entries didn’t arrive in time, even though I’d sent them by airmail in early November. So this means I wasted over 200 bucks in postage, entry and stationery costs. I’m unlikely to be reimbursed by the postal service and the entry fees are non-refundable.

I did want to cry my heart out yesterday when I got the dreaded disqualification email, but it’s time to look on the bright side:

  • I have a licence to eat a kilo of chocolate until I am completely over this.
  • I’m already a two-time Golden Heart finalist and I have an agent.
  • It’s really time to hang up the contest hat and focus on writing for publication.
  • I have a new book to complete and polish up.
  • My Ruby-Slippered Sisters are brilliant in a crisis.

NaNoWriMo was a huge success for me personally. I completed the challenge, writing over 50,000 words in just 28 days (see sidebar). A bunch of my writing buddies also made it–Kim MacCarron, Tera Lynn Childs, Elisa Beatty, Elizabeth, Mary Strand, and Sarra Cannon. Yay for all of us!

Now it’s time to make sense of what I wrote during the NaNo whirlwind!

Happy weekend!

11 thoughts on “Golden Heartbreak

  1. Oh, what a bummer Vanessa! But you’re so right that you have lots of other great things going on. Yay for the positive attitude! Will you still come to RWA in any event?

    You’re not the only one, btw. I’ve heard that many published authors missed the RITAs because they reached the number of entries cap.

    And hooray to us for finishing NaNo. Not sure when/whether mine will see the light of day, but I accomplished what I wanted to. Cheers!

    • Oh, wow, I hadn’t heard that about the RITAs, Tera. How awful for those who missed out.

      I’m pretty sure I will go to RWA next year. I love New York and I’d love to see you again.

      Good luck polishing your NaNo book! It could be a RITA winner one day, yanno.

  2. I’m just so damn sorry about the DQ!!! Wow, it’s time for GH to go digital.

    But I really do think karma will pay you back in some wonderful way–publication can’t be far!!! I can feel it!

    • Thank you, Elisa. {{{Hugs}}} I reckon you’re well overdue for some good publishing karma!

      Yeah, an electronic GH is well overdue. It would save so much pain, money, not to mention paper and ink. Or even if they tweak the rules a bit–say entries received must be post-marked by the December deadline to be eligible.

  3. Oh Vanessa, I just dropped by and heard the dreadful news. I am *so* sorry about missing the GH deadline. Perhaps it doesn’t matter since you’ll have had to pull out due to getting a contract, anyway.

    BTW, I’ve been referring to you *fabulous* notes on how to make a book trailer for YouTube and finally posted my own. What an inspiring session you delivered at the RWA conference. I hope you’re doing another one for those who missed out.

  4. Pingback: And the Nominees Are… « Authorness

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